UAI Main Conference Program
July 12th-14th
All talks and banquet will be held in Grand Ballroom B and C on the Third Level of the Westin Hotel. Poster sessions will be held in the foyer area outside the Grand Ballroom.
Schedule |
Day 1 - Friday July 12th |
Day 2 - Saturday July 13th |
Day 3 - Sunday July 14th |
Friday July 12th
7:30am - 8:30am: Breakfast
8:30am – Welcome and Opening RemarksKeynote Talk
8:40am – Never Ending LearningTom Mitchell, CMU
Session 1: Classification (Chair: Amir Globerson)
Session chair: Amir Globerson9:40am – Modeling Documents with Deep Boltzmann Machines
Nitish Srivastava, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Geoffrey Hinton
10:05am – Generative Multiple-Instance Learning Models For Quantitative Electromyography
Tameem Adel, Ruth Urner, Benn Smith, Daniel Stashuk, Dan Lizotte
10:30 – Coffee Break
Session 2: Structure Learning (Chair: Petri Myllamaki)
11:00am – Advances in Bayesian Network Learning using Integer ProgrammingJames Cussens, Mark Bartlett
11:25am – Treedy: A Heuristic for Counting and Sampling Subsets
Teppo Niinimäki, Mikko Koivisto
11:50am – Evaluating Anytime Algorithms for Learning Optimal Bayesian Networks
Brandon Malone, Changhe Yuan
12:15 – Lunch (on your own)
Session 3a: Stochastic Processes (Chair: Scott Sanner)
2:00pm – Learning Periodic Human Behaviour Models from Sparse Data for Crowdsourcing Aid Delivery in Developing CountriesJames McInerney, Alex Rogers, Nicholas Jennings
2:25pm – Hilbert Space Embeddings of Predictive State Representations
Byron Boots, Geoffrey Gordon, Arthur Gretton
Session 3b: Novel Modeling Approaches (Chair: Scott Sanner)
2:50pm – On the Complexity of Strong and Epistemic Credal NetworksDenis Maua, Cassio de Campos, Alessio Benavoli, Alessandro Antonucci
3:15pm – Sparse Nested Markov models with Log-linear Parameters
Ilya Shpitser, Robin Evans, Thomas Richardson, James Robins
Poster Spotlights 1 (Chair: Vibhav Gogate)
3:40pm – 1 minute poster spotlight presentations from papers 248, 61, 80, 146, 176, 30, 47, 63, 66, 76, 88, 225, 37, 151, 161, 54.4pm to 6pm – Poster Session 1 and Coffee Break
All oral presentations from Friday and all poster spotlights.7pm – Conference Banquet
Banquet Talk: Research and Consumer Products - Yoky MatsuokaSaturday July 13th
7:30am - 8:30am: Breakfast
Keynote Talk
8:30am – Bayesian Learning in Online Service: Statistics Meets SystemsRalf Herbrich, Amazon
Session 4: Ranking and Semi-Supervised Learning (Chair: Tony Jebara)
9:40am – The Lovasz Bregman Divergences and connections to rank aggregation, clustering and web rankingRishabh Iyer, Jeff Bilmes
10:05am – Active Learning with Expert Advice
Peilin Zhao, Steven Hoi, Jinfeng Zhuang
10:30 – Coffee Break
Session 5: Inference Algorithms (Chair: Daniel Lowd)
11:00am – Optimization With Parity Constraints: From Binary Codes to Discrete IntegrationStefano Ermon, Carla Gomes, Ashish Sabharwal, Bart Selman
11:25am – Structured Message Passing
Vibhav Gogate, Pedro Domingos
11:50am – Lower Bounds for Exact Model Counting and Applications in Probabilistic Databases
Paul Beame, Jerry Li, Sudeepa Roy, Dan Suciu
12:15 – Lunch (on your own)
Session 6a: Causal Models (Chair: Thomas Richardson)
2:00pm – Learning Sparse Causal Models is not NP-hardTom Claassen, Joris Mooij, Tom Heskes
2:25pm – Cyclic Causal Discovery from Continuous Equilibrium Data
Joris Mooij, Tom Heskes
Session 6b: Learning (Chair: Thomas Richardson)
2:50pm – Scalable Matrix-valued Kernel Learning for High-dimensional Nonlinear Multivariate Regression and Granger CausalityVikas Sindhwani, Minh Ha Quang, Aurelie Lozano
3:15pm – Constrained Bayesian Inference for Low Rank Multitask Learning
Oluwasanmi Koyejo, Joydeep Ghosh
Poster Spotlights 2 (Chair: Denver Dash)
3:40pm – 1 minute poster spotlight presentations from papers 4, 8, 132, 109, 110, 118, 192, 131, 197, 103, 199, 244, 24, 70, 189.4pm to 6pm – Poster Session 2 and Coffee Break
All oral presentations from Saturday and all poster spotlights.Sunday July 14th
7:30am - 8:30am: Breakfast
Keynote Talk
8:30am – Modeling Common-Sense Scene Understanding with Probabilistic ProgramsJosh Tenenbaum, MIT
Session 7: Modeling Human Behavior (Chair: Kathy Laskey)
9:40am – Active Sensing as Bayes-Optimal Sequential Decision MakingSheeraz Ahmad, Angela Yu
10:05am – Evaluating computational models of explanation using human judgments
Michael Pacer, Joseph Williams, Xi Chen, Tania Lombrozo, Thomas Griffiths
10:30 – Coffee Break
Session 8: Markov Decision Processes (Chair: Ron Parr)
11:00am – Bounded Approximate Symbolic Dynamic Programming for Hybrid MDPsLuis Gustavo Vianna, Scott Sanner, Leliane de Barros
11:25am – Approximation of Lorenz-Optimal Solutions in Multiobjective Markov Decision Processes
Judy Goldsmith, Josiah Hanna, Patrice Perny, Paul Weng
11:50am – POMDPs under Probabilistic Semantics
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Martin Chmelík
12:15 – Lunch (on your own)
Session 9: Inference Algorithms (Chair: Tom Claassen)
2:00pm – Bethe-ADMM for Tree Decomposition based Parallel MAP InferenceQiang Fu, Huahua Wang, Arindam Banerjee
2:25pm – On MAP Inference by MWSS on Perfect Graphs
Adrian Weller, Tony Jebara
2:50pm – Automorphism Groups of Graphical Models and Lifted Variational Inference
Hung Bui, Tuyen Huynh, Sebastian Riedel