UAI 2013 - Call for Papers
We solicit submission of papers which describe novel theories, methodology, and applications related to modeling, inference, learning and decision-making under uncertainty. Paper submission and reviewing will be handled electronically.All accepted papers will be presented at the Conference either as contributed talks or as posters, and will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Papers that are currently under review or have already been accepted or published in a refereed venue, including conferences and journals, may not be submitted. We welcome submissions by authors who are new to the UAI conference on new and emerging topics - examples of topics and papers published at past conferences can be found at this link.
Submitted papers will be reviewed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. For papers that rely heavily on empirical evaluations, the experimental methods and results should be clear, well executed, and repeatable. Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code publicly available when possible.
Important dates for authors
- Friday, March 1st, 11:59pm UTC: Paper submission deadline.
- Monday, May 6th: Author notification.
- July 11-15th 2013: Conference.
Formatting instructions
Submissions should be formatted in the UAI format and must be submitted as a PDF file that uses only Type I fonts. Please do not make changes to the standard format. Papers (including figures and text) are limited to 9 pages in length. An additional 10th page is allowed containing only references. Papers that are over length or violate the UAI proceedings format will be rejected without review.For your convenience, we are providing the following LaTeX style files:
For an example of how to prepare a paper for UAI using LaTeX you can refer to the source of the proceedings format:
Using LaTeX is really the only way to achieve perfect compatibility with the UAI proceedings format, but we also provide a MS Word template.
Uploading instructions
In order to submit please go to and create a new account (if you haven't already) and sign in. Once signed in you will be required to enter possible conflict domains (e.g., but not something too general like with multiple domains separated by a semicolon.
You can then submit your paper by clicking on "Create a new Paper Submission". Note: papers must be .pdf files with sizes limited to 10mb.
Once you have submitted your paper the system will ask you to accept use of the "Toronto Paper Matching System". Within the following text will be a link to "review and accept the request". Upon following this you will see a form allowing you to accept this request. We STRONGLY urge you to accept this request in order to ensure that your paper is appropriately reviewed.
Note: There is no supplementary material for UAI submissions this year.
Finally, once your paper is submitted, you will be able edit the submission at any point up to the deadline.