ID | Title | Authors |
2 | Iterated Risk Measures for Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes with Discounted Cost | T. Osogami |
3 | Correction for Hidden Confounders in the Genetic Analysis of Gene Expression | J. Listgarten, E. Schadt, C. Kadie, D. Heckerman |
4 | Lipschitz Parametrization of Probabilistic Graphical Models | J. Honorio |
17 | Extended Lifted Inference with Joint Formulas | U. Apsel, R. Brafman |
21 | Compressed Inference for Probabilistic Sequential Models | G. Polatkan, O. Tuzel |
35 | Smoothing Proximal Gradient Method for General Structured Sparse Learning | X. Chen, Q. Lin, S. Kim, J. Carbonell, E. Xing |
40 | Characterization and Greedy Learning of Interventional Markov Equivalence Classes of DAGs | A. Hauser, P. Bühlmann |
46 | Sparse Topical Coding | J. Zhu, E. Xing |
61 | An Efficient Protocol for Negotiation over Combinatorial Domains with Incomplete Information | M. Li, B. Vo, R. Kowalczyk |
65 | Order-of-Magnitude Influence Diagrams | R. Marinescu, N. Wilson |
71 | A Unifying Framework for Linearly Solvable Control | D. Krishnamurthy, E. Todorov |
110 | Generalized Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts: Alpha-Expansion Beta-Shrink Moves | M. Schmidt, K. Alahari |
116 | Learning High-Dimensional DAGs with Latent and Selection Variables | D. Colombo, M. Maathuis, M. Kalisch, T. Richardson |
155 | PAC-Bayesian Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning | M. Milani Fard, C. Szepesvari, J. Pineau |
171 | Active Diagnosis via AUC Maximization: An Efficient Approach for Multiple Fault Identification | G. Bellala, J. Stanley, C. Scott |
203 | Bregman Divergence as General Framework to Estimate Unnormalized Statistical Models | M. Gutmann, J. Hirayama |
215 | A Structure Independent Characterization of Constraint-Based Causal Discovery | T. Claassen, T. Heskes |
236 | Belief Propagation in Junction Trees: Parallel Message Passing using GPU | L. Zheng, O. Mengshoel, J. Chong |
248 | Improving the Scalability of Optimal Bayesian Network Learning with Frontier BFBnB Search | B. Malone, C. Yuan, E. Hansen, S. Bridges |
249 | Hierarchical Affinity Propagation | I. Givoni, C. Chung, B. Frey |
260 | Asymptotic Efficiency of Deterministic Estimators for Discrete Energy-Based Models | B. Marlin, N. de Freitas |
261 | Variational Algorithms for Marginal MAP | Q. Liu, A. Ihler |
277 | Learning Parameters in Binary Bayesian Networks | A. Choi, A. Darwiche, K. Refaat |
282 | Factored Filtering of Continuous-Time Systems | E. Celikkaya, C. Shelton, W. Lam |
284 | Sparse Matrix-Variate Gaussian Process Blockmodels for Network Modeling | F. Yan, Z. Xu, Y. Qi |
290 | Multidimensional Counting Grids: Inferring Word Order from Disordered Bags of Words | A. Perina, N. Jojic |
294 | Smoothing Multivariate Performance Measures | X. Zhang, A. Saha, S. Vishwanathan |
ID | Title | Authors |
32 | Planar Cycle Covering Graphs | J. Yarkony, A. Ihler, C. Fowlkes |
53 | Detecting Low-complexity Unobserved Causes | D. Janzing, E. Sgouritsa, O. Stegle, J. Peters, B. Schölkopf |
56 | Ensembles of Kernel Predictors | C. Cortes, M. Mohri, A. Rostamizadeh |
74 | The Impact of Uncertainty on the Solutions to Cooperative Reliability Games | B. Yoram |
85 | A Framework for Optimizing Paper Matching | L. Charlin, R. Zemel, C. Boutilier |
95 | Bayesian Network Learning with Cutting Planes | J. Cussens |
100 | Filtered Fictitious Play for Perturbed Observation Potential Games and Decentralised POMDPs | A. Chapman, S. Williamson, N. Jennings |
126 | Nonparametric Divergence Estimation with Applications to Machine Learning on Distributions | B. Poczos, L. Xiong, J. Schneider |
132 | New Probabilistic Bounds on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Random Kernel Matrix | N. Reyhani, H. Hino, R. Vigario |
133 | Discovering Causal Structures in Binary Exclusive-or Skew Acyclic Models | T. Inazumi, T. Washio, S. Shimizu, J. Suzuki, A. Yamamoto, Y. Kawahara |
134 | Partial Order MCMC for Structure Discovery in Bayesian Networks | T. Niinimäki, P. Parviainen, M. Koivisto |
139 | Message-Passing Algorithms for Quadratic Programming Formulations of MAP Estimation | A. Kumar, S. Zilberstein |
141 | Noisy Search with Comparative Feedback | S. Lim, P. Auer |
142 | Portfolio Allocation for Bayesian Optimization | M. Hoffman, E. Brochu, N. de Freitas |
145 | Near-Optimal Target Learning With Stochastic Binary Signals | M. Chakraborty, S. Das, M. Magdon-Ismail |
159 | Dynamic Consistency and Decision Making under Vacuous Belief | P. Giang |
161 | Deconvolution of Mixing Time Series on a Graph | A. Blocker, E. Airoldi |
163 | Classification of Sets using Restricted Boltzmann Machines | J. Louradour, H. Larochelle |
195 | What Cannot be Learned with Bethe Approximations | U. Heinemann, A. Globerson |
218 | Hierarchical Maximum Margin Learning for Multi-Class Classification | J. Yang , I. Tsang |
223 | Kernel-based Conditional Independence Test and Application in Causal Discovery | K. Zhang, J. Peters, D. Janzing, B. Schölkopf |
228 | Graphical Models for Bandit Problems | K. Amin, M. Kearns, U. Syed |
246 | Efficient Probabilistic Inference with Partial Ranking Queries | J. Huang, A. Kapoor, C. Guestrin |
251 | Fast MCMC Sampling for Markov Jump Processes and Continuous Time Bayesian Networks | V. Rao, Y. Teh |
255 | Efficient Optimal Learning for Contextual Bandits | M. Dudik, D. Hsu, S. Kale, N. Karampatziakis, J. Langford, L. Reyzin, T. Zhang |
293 | Fractional Moments on Bandit Problems | A. BalajiKrishnan, B. Ravindran |
ID | Title | Authors |
6 | Strictly Proper Mechanisms with Cooperating Players | S. Chun, R. Shachter |
22 | Distributed Anytime MAP Inference | J. van de Ven, F. Ramos |
23 | Price Updating in Combinatorial Prediction Markets with Bayesian Networks | L. Xia, D. Pennock |
29 | Generalized Fisher Score for Feature Selection | Q. Gu, J. Han |
38 | Risk Bounds for Infinitely Divisible Distribution | C. Zhang, D. Tao |
36 | Robust Learning Bayesian Networks for Prior Belief | M. Ueno |
45 | Semi-supervised Learning with Density Based Distances | A. Bijral, N. Ratliff, N. Srebro |
48 | Statistical Mechanics of Semi--Supervised Clustering in Sparse Graphs | G. Ver Steeg, A. Galstyan, A. Allahverdyan |
55 | Rank/Norm Regularization with Closed-Form Solution: Application to Subspace Clustering | Y. Yu, D. Schuurmans |
79 | Learning with Missing Features | A. Rostamizadeh, A. Agarwal, P. Bartlett |
98 | Modeling Social Networks with Node Attributes using the Multiplicative Attribute Graph Model | M. Kim, J. Leskovec |
113 | Noisy-OR Models with Latent Confounding | A. Hyttinen, F. Eberhardt, P. Hoyer |
121 | On the Complexity of Decision Making in Possibilistic Decision Trees | N. Ben Amor, H. Fargier, W. Guezguez |
130 | Testing Whether Linear Equations are Causal: A Free Probability Theory Approach | J. Zscheischler, D. Janzing, K. Zhang |
131 | A Geometric Traversal Algorithm for Reward-Uncertain MDPs | E. Oh, K. Kim |
137 | Measuring the Hardness of Stochastic Sampling on Bayesian Networks with Deterministic Causalities | H. YU, R. van Engelen |
157 | Adjustment Criteria in Causal Diagrams: \ An Algorithmic Perspective | J. Textor, M. Liśkiewicz |
180 | Incentives in Group Decision-Making With Uncertainty and Subjective Beliefs | R. Cavallo |
241 | Sequential Inference for Latent Force Models | J. Hartikainen, S. Särkkä |
258 | Compact Mathematical Programs For DEC-MDPs With Structured Agent Interactions | H. Mostafa, V. Lesser |
267 | Suboptimality Bounds for Stochastic Shortest Path Problems | E. Hansen |
278 | Tightening MRF Relaxations with Planar Subproblems | J. Yarkony, R. Morshed, A. Ihler, C. Fowlkes |
296 | Belief Change with Noisy Sensing in the Situation Calculus | J. Ma, W. Liu, P. Miller |
299 | Boosting as a Product of Experts | N. Edakunni, T. Kovacs, G. Brown |