UAI 2017 - Camera-Ready Instructions

The camera-ready deadline is:

July 11th, 11:59pm SST (Samoa Standard Time).

When preparing revisions, please take reviewer comments into account, such as correcting typos, improving the clarity of the paper, adding relevant references, and so forth.

When you are ready, please follow these four simple steps to submit your camera-ready paper:
  1. Make sure your paper follows the UAI formatting guidelines (pdf).
    In particular, PLEASE pay attention to the following:
    • Include author names and other identifying information that was excluded from your original submission.
    • Use ALL CAPS for section headings (e.g., "INTRODUCTION")
    • Use Times Roman as the font. In LaTeX, \usepackage{times}
    • Double-check the paper size and margin widths
    • Check the references for typos and capitalization errors (e.g., "bayesian" should be "Bayesian")
    • In LaTeX, do NOT use \mathbbm{} (if you do, your paper will fail the formatting checker)
  2. As in the review version, the camera-ready submission must contain both the main paper body and the supplementary material. Make sure the length of the main paper does not exceed 9 pages with an additional 10th one which may contain only references. Also, verify that the supplementary material starts cleanly on a new page after the main paper body.
  3. Upload your paper to the automatic paper formatting checker . This checks your paper for basic formatting errors such as the wrong paper size or number of pages. Address all errors before proceeding. Please do not wait until the last day, since fixing formatting errors may take some time.
  4. Having finalized the camera-ready PDF, upload it as a revision to your manuscript in OpenReview. Note that OpenReview will periodically check for formatting errors in camera-ready PDFs and send email reminders until these errors are corrected.
  5. Fill out the copyright release form at: Copyright form UAI 2017 (pdf) . One author may sign on behalf of all co-authors if the appropriate box is ticked. You may sign it electronically using Acrobat or print, sign, and scan it into a PDF file. Upload the form in the designated field in OpenReview, which should now be visible.
  6. And then you're done! July 11th, 11:59 pm SST. Late submissions may not be accepted.

    Feel free to email the publication chair at martin.mladenov –AT– cs.tu-dortmund –DOT– de if you run into any problems.

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