UAI 2023 - Submission Instructions
Please refer to important dates for deadlines.
Formatting Instructions
Submissions must be formatted using the UAI latex template and formatting instructions. Papers must be submitted as a PDF file and are limited to 8 pages in length, including all figures and tables. At most two additional pages containing only references are allowed. Papers that are overlength or violate the UAI proceedings format will be rejected without review. If you find that the two extra pages for references are insufficient, try using the "abbrvnat" bibliography style with the natbib package to shorten author names, and use abbreviated journal names.
If you include supplementary material, please do not use packages like xr to reference results or equations from the supplement in the main manuscript. Doing this will mean that your paper will not compile when it comes to be published. You may use such packages to put references in the supplementary material to refer to the main manuscript (see below).
(The camera ready version of accepted pages can be up to 9 pages long, plus two additional pages containing only references, to allow authors to incorporate comments from the reviewing process.)
Supplementary Material
For submission, supplementary material should be included in a separate file to the main paper. The entire file should be at most 10MB in size. Please use the template included for the supplementary material. You may use a package such as xr to reference labels defined in your main manuscript.
You may also provide further supplementary material, such as source code or data, in a ZIP file of up to 50MB in size. In order to submit this, you must first upload your main submission, and you will then be able to upload the supplementary material from the author console.
Please note that reviewers primarily base their assessment on the main paper. They are not required to consider any supplementary material.
Reviewing Process
You can submit manuscripts to UAI 2023 using OpenReview here. OpenReview facilitates discussion between authors, reviewers and area chairs until April 20, 2023.
Submitted papers will be reviewed based on the criteria of technical correctness, novelty, clarity of writing, and potential impact. By April 10, we expect all reviews to be completed. Once the reviews are posted, authors are free to provide responses in the discussion period until April 20. The most relevant dates for authors are as follows:
We are using OpenReview to manage submissions but the reviewing process will not be made public while it is ongoing. Submissions under review will be visible only to their assigned program committee. We will not solicit comments from the general public during the reviewing process. After notifications come out, accepted and opted-in rejected papers will be made public and open for non-anonymous public commenting (by default, rejected papers will not be made public). Their anonymous reviews, meta-reviews, and author responses will also be made public.
Updating or Withdrawing your Submission
You may update any part of your submission until the paper deadline.
You may withdraw your submission at any time during the process. Even if you withdraw it, we reserve the right to use the material as described on this page (e.g. for statistics).
Papers should clearly state their main claims and offer evidence in support of those claims. Submissions will be judged on the basis of their technical correctness, novelty, clarity of writing, and potential impact. Reproducibility and ethical aspects will also be considered, and submissions are expected to put the work into appropriate scientific context and to cite all publications that are directly relevant. For more information, please read the reviewing instructions.
The author list (names and order) provided in the submission form at the paper submission deadline is considered final and no changes in authorship will be permitted for accepted papers. The author list should include all, and only, individuals who made substantial contributions to the content of the paper.
Double-blind Policy
The reviewing process is double blind, so you must make sure that the submission (including all supplementary material) does not disclose author identities or affiliations. Hence, among other precautions, you should use the third person to refer to your own work, you should not include names in the acknowledgements, detailed information about grants, and links to external resources that may reveal your identity or institution are forbidden.
Dual-submission Policy
Papers that are currently under review or have been accepted or published in a refereed venue with proceedings may not be submitted. This also applies to papers that are substantially identical. Moreover, you are not allowed to submit the same (or substantially similar) work to another refereed venue with proceedings while it is still under review at UAI. Papers in conferences or workshops without proceedings, technical report repositories and arXiv are not considered dual submissions.
Dual submissions will be identified via a combination of automated methods and human judgement. The information of the submissions might be shared with other conferences to avoid dual submissions.
Further Submission Rules