
For Participants


UAI 2012 - Call for Papers

We are soliciting papers which describe novel methodology, or non-trivial applications of existing methodology, related to modeling, inference, learning and decision making under uncertainty. Examples of relevant application areas include, but are not limited to, computational biology, computer vision, speech processing, computational linguistics, information retrieval, medical systems, multi-agent systems, robotics, and sensor networks. The best way to get a sense for what kinds of papers are appropriate is to look at past UAIs. Authors of papers that win best paper awards will be invited to submit their papers to the Artificial Intelligence Journal, with special "fast track" status.

Important dates for authors

  • Friday, March 30, 11:59pm UTC: UAI full paper submission
  • Friday, May 18: Reviews available.
  • Saturday, June 2, 11:59pm UTC: Author feedback due.
  • Friday, June 15: Author notification.
  • Friday, June 29, 11:59pm UTC: Camera ready due.
Note: Times and dates are in universal time (UTC). The CMT system has times that are in PDT but 4:59pm PDT is 11:59pm UTC Click here for a converter.

Formatting instructions

Submissions should be formatted in the UAI format and must be submitted as a PDF file that uses only Type I fonts. Please do not make changes to the standard format. Papers can be up to 9 pages plus an unlimited number of references. Papers that are over length or violate the UAI proceedings format will be rejected without review.

For your convenience, we are providing the following LaTeX style files:

For an example of how to prepare a paper for UAI using LaTeX you can refer to the source of the proceedings format:

Using LaTeX is really the only way to achieve perfect compatibility with the UAI proceedings format, but we also provide a MS Word template.

Uploading instructions

In order to submit please go to and create a new account (if you haven't already) and sign in. Once signed in you will be required to enter possible conflict domains (e.g., but not something too general like with multiple domains separated by a semicolon.

You can then submit your paper by clicking on "Create a new Paper Submission". Note: papers must be .pdf files with sizes limited to 10mb.

Once you have submitted your paper the system will ask you to accept use of the "Toronto Paper Matching System". Within the following text will be a link to "review and accept the request". Upon following this you will see a form allowing you to accept this request. We STRONGLY urge you to accept this request in order to ensure that your paper is appropriately reviewed.

Finally, once your paper is submitted, you will be able edit the submission at any point up to the deadline. You can also submit supplementary material as a .pdf or .zip file of up to 10mb in size.

Double-blind policy

The UAI 2012 review process is double blind. Please make sure that the submission does not disclose the author's identities or affiliation. If you include URLs as supplementary material, make sure they also do not disclose your identity.

"Not for publication" option

When you upload you paper, you may elect to declare it as "not for publication in the proceedings". This means your paper will be treated like a regular submission, as far as formatting and reviewing is concerned, but will not appear in the proceedings, even if accepted. Its title and abstract may be posted online, but the document itself will not be. This is to benefit authors who wish to resubmit their paper at a later date to a journal which precludes prior publication. We hope that this mechanism will encourage authors from fields outside of computer science to submit relevant work to UAI.

Policy on prior publication

Papers that have already been published in a refereed venue, including conferences and journals, may not be submitted. Papers that are currently under review may be submitted, but only if you choose the "not for publication" option. Submissions should be significant extensions of prior published work. Papers that are deemed too similar to past work will be rejected on grounds of lack of sufficient novelty.