Presenting your talk or poster at UAI 2011
Authors of papers selected for plenary presentation will have 20 minutes to present their material, followed by 5 minutes of questions from the audience. There will be a projector and a computer in the room, and it will be possible to open and show pdf or PowerPoint files. We prefer presentations on usb sticks to save time when switching presentations, but if necessary we can connect to your laptop.
There will be three poster sessions this year at UAI, each lasting 2.5 hours, and each having 25-26 posters. We have tried to make sure that no one is scheduled to present two posters in one session, but if that has occurred, or there is some other problem with the scheduling, please let us know immediately.
Please ensure that your poster is no more than 1m wide by 1.8m long. Posters will be oriented vertically. Also, a small number of poster boards will be available that allow horizontal placement. Please let us know if you plan to have a horizontal poster to reserve one of these boards to make sure we have enough.
Poster presenters will be given 90 seconds during a poster spotlight session to highlight their poster. There will be two spotlight sessions for each poster session. Please see the list below to see in which spotlight session you will be. You should prepare exactly one (1!) slide for this in pdf-format. Please send your slide with the subject line “Poster Slides” to pc-chairs@uai.confmaster.net by MONDAY, JULY 11th 11:59 UTC-12 as a 1-page pdf file. Guidelines on poster spotlight slides:
Before the poster session, you will be asked to stand in line in the order of the posters given below (and on the web page). The posters will then be shown, again in order of the posters given below. As soon as you're ready, hand over the microphone to the next person in line, and we will make sure that the next slide comes up. To find your place in line quicly, it will be helpful to remember the number of your poster (see the schedule).