UAI 2011 Instructions for Authors
The UAI 2011 review process is double blind. There are two types of submissions: regular and not-for-proceedings.
Regular Submissions
Regular submissions should be formatted in the UAI format and must be submitted as a PDF file that uses only Type I fonts. Please do not make changes to the standard format. Papers that are over length or violate the UAI proceedings format may be refused. The standard UAI paper length is eight (8) pages, including all figures and bibliography. Authors may optionally purchase up to two (2) additional pages for a fee, the cost of which will be determined later (in 2010 it was $150US/page). We strongly encourage the main paper submissions to be no more than 8 pages long: although 9 or 10 pages long submissions will not be rejected and will be reviewed, please note that we will require the final camera-ready version to be at least as long as the submitted version (so submitting a paper with 1-2 extra page(s) means a commitment to pay the extra page fee(s), if the submission is accepted). We note that the confmaster paper submission site allows the optional submission of supplementary material up to length 5MBs, which may contain proofs, background material, and so on in support of the UAI2011 anonymous submission. The additional files may be uploaded at the paper submission site under Author->view_own_papers at the right-most column. Authors may also use an anonymous URL (that they give in the text of the paper) to submit supplementary material. Reviewers are, however, under no obligation whatsoever to look at any submitted supplementary material, and will base their review primarily on the main paper.
For your convenience, we are providing the following LaTeX style files:
For an example of how to prepare a paper for UAI using LaTeX you can refer to the source of the proceedings format:
Using LaTeX is really the only way to achieve perfect compatibility with the UAI proceedings format, but we also provide a Microsoft Word template.
Because the UAI 2011 review process is double blind, please make sure that the submission does not disclose the author's identities or affiliation. If you include URLs as supplementary material, make sure they also do not disclose your identity.
Not-For-Proceedings Submissions
Such contributions do not appear in the UAI conference proceedings, even if accepted. Instead, the authors will be asked to provide a short abstract for the proceedings. Not-for-proceedings submissions must also be submitted as a PDF file that uses only Type I fonts. However, they do not need to be formatted in the standard format described above. The maximum number of pages for such papers is 10. Authors may provide supplementary material just as for regular submissions. Note again that reviewers are not obliged to look at such supplementary material while preparing their reviews.UAI 2011 paper submission
UAI 2011 requires electronic submission of papers and abstracts according to the instructions given above. If authors have special circumstances that prevent electronic submission, arrangements can be made directly with the program co-chairs (contact address: pc-chairs@uai2011.confmaster.net). Electronic submissions will be accepted through the confmaster paper submission web site until the submission deadline (Friday, March 18 2011, 23:59 UTC-12).
If you are a UAI 2011 PC member or SPC member, then we have already registered you as a user of confmaster. In that case, please use your existing login and password (click 'Login or Password forgotten?' to find out what it is; after logging in you can modify your login and password). If you have been co-author of a UAI paper, or PC member or SPC member in the recent past, then you may also still reside in the confmaster system; this will often, but not always be the case. Please check whether your former login still works, and if it does, use your former login instead of registering as a new user.
A regular submitted paper should not be under review, nor accepted for publication, nor published, by any other conference at the time it is submitted to UAI 2011 nor at any time during the reviewing period of UAI 2011. The exception to this is that we are allowing authors to dual submit to the UAI workshop, the 8th Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop. Accepted UAI application papers will be invited to an additional poster presentation at the Workshop, while papers that are not accepted for UAI will be refereed independently for the Workshop by the Workshop Program Committee.
Some meetings allow papers to be presented without publication in any form; if a paper has been presented in such a meeting (that is, it has not been published in any form), then it can be submitted to UAI 2011.
A not-for-proceedings-paper may already be under review by a journal, or may have been sent to or appeared in a journal while under review for UAI (note though that we do not accept papers that are under review for another conference). The scope for not-for-proceedings-paper is the same as for regular papers, i.e. every area and subject mentioned in the call for papers is appropriate. When submitting the paper, the submitting author will be asked to indicate whether the paper is `regular' or `not-for-proceedings'.
For more information, please consult the call for papers