UAI 2007

The 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence

July  19-22, 2007

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC Canada

UBC Rose Garden

General Chairs:

Rina Dechter
U.C. Irvine
Thomas Richardson
University of Washington

Program Chairs:

Ronald Parr
Duke University
Linda van der Gaag
Universiteit Utrecht

Senior Program Committee:

Fahiem Bacchus
University of Toronto
Fabio Cozman
University of Sao Paulo
Adnan Darwiche
Francisco Javier Diez
Nir Friedman
Hebrew University
Geoff Gordon
Carlos Guestrin
Joe Halpern
David Heckerman
Kevin Leyton-Brown
David McAllester
Chris Meek
Kevin Murphy
Petri Myllymäki
University of Helsinki
Ann Nicholson
Monash University
Thomas D. Nielsen
Aalborg University
Andrew Ng
Stanford University
Prakash Shenoy
University of Kansas
Peter Spirtes
Jin Tian
Iowa State University

Program Committee

Since 1985, the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) has been the primary international forum for presenting new results on the use of principled methods for reasoning under uncertainty within intelligent systems. The scope of UAI is wide, including, but not limited to, representation, automated reasoning, learning, decision making and knowledge acquisition under uncertainty.

The umbrella organization for UAI is the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI).

The UAI conference is held annually in the summer, usually in temporal or physical proximity to another major AI conference, such AAAI, ICML or IJCAI. The UAI conference typically includes plenary presentations and poster presentations. Poster presentations are accompanied by brief poster spotlights during the plenary meeting. In a poster spotlight, authors have the opportunity to give a two minute overview of their results to encourage attendance at their poster during the poster sessions. Authors of both plenary and poster presentations publish full length papers in the archival UAI proceedings. Decisions on which papers will be presented as posters and which will be presented as plenary talks are made by the program chairs. Many factors contribute to the decision to choose a paper for a plenary presentation and posters papers should not be presumed to be of lower quality than plenary papers.

The UAI business details of the UAI conference are managed by (typically) two general chairs. The technical program is the responsibility of the program co-chairs. The program co-chairs pick a senior program committee and a program committee. All papers are assigned three reviewers from the program committee and one senior program committee member. After the reviewers complete their written reviews, the senior program committee member will moderate the discussion of the paper among reviewers. Based upon the reviews and discussion, the senior program committee member will make a recommendation for action on the paper to the program chairs.

We encourage submissions of papers to UAI that report on advances in these core areas, as well as those dealing with insights derived from the construction and use of applications involving uncertain reasoning. Please refer to our call for papers for more details.