UAI-96 Conference Program
Wednesday, July 31, 1996
Thursday, August 1, 1996
Plenary Session I: Perspectives on Inference
- Toward a Market Model for Bayesian Inference
D. Pennock and M. Wellman
- A unifying framework for several probabilistic inference algorithms
R. Dechter
- Computing upper and lower bounds on likelihoods in intractable networks
T. Jaakkola and M. Jordan (Outstanding Student Paper Award)
- Query DAGs: A practical paradigm for implementing belief-network inference
A. Darwiche and G. Provan
Break 10:15-10:30am
Plenary Session II: Applications of Uncertain Reasoning
- MIDAS: An Influence Diagram for Management of Mildew in Winter Wheat
A. Jensen and F. Jensen
- Optimal Factory Scheduling under Uncertainty using Stochastic Dominance A*
P. Wurman and M. Wellman
- Supply Restoration in Power Distribution Systems --- A Case Study in Integrating Model-Based Diagnosis and Repair Planning
S. Thiebaux, M.
Cordier, O. Jehl, J. Krivine
- Network Engineering for Complex Belief Networks
S. Mahoney
and K. Laskey
Panel Discussion: Reports from the front:
Real-world experiences with uncertain reasoning systems 12:00-12:45pm
Lunch 12:45-2:00pm
Plenary Session III: Representation and Independence
- Context-Specific Independence in Bayesian Networks
C. Boutilier, N. Friedman, M. Goldszmidt, D. Koller
- Binary Join Trees
P. Shenoy
- Why is diagnosis using belief networks insensitive to imprecision
in probabilities?
M. Henrion, M. Pradhan, K. Huang, B. del Favero, G. Provan, P. O'Rorke
- On separation criterion and recovery algorithm for chain graphs
Milan Studeny
Poster Session I: Overview Presentations
Poster Session I
- Inference Using Message Propagation and Topology Transformation in
Vector Gaussian Continuous Networks
S. Alag and A. Agogino
- Constraining Influence Diagram Structure by Generative
Planning: An Application to the Optimization of Oil Spill Response
J. Agosta
- An Alternative Markov Property for Chain Graphs
S. Andersson, D. Madigan, and M. Perlman
- Object Recognition with Imperfect Perception and Redundant
C. Barrouil and J. Lemaire
- A Sufficiently Fast Algorithm for Finding Close to Optimal Junction Trees
A. Becker and D. Geiger
- Efficient Approximations for the Marginal Likelihood of
Incomplete Data Given a Bayesian Network
D. Chickering and D. Heckerman
- Independence with Lower and Upper Probabilities
L. Chrisman
- Topological Parameters for Time-Space Tradeoff
R. Dechter
- A Qualitative Markov Assumption and its Implications for Belief Change
N. Friedman and J. Halpern
- A Probabilistic Model for Sensor Validation
P. Ibarguengoytia and L. Sucar
- Bayesian Learning of Loglinear Models for Neural Connectivity
K. Laskey and L. Martignon
- Geometric Implications of the Naive Bayes Assumption
M. Peot
- Optimal Monte Carlo Estimation of Belief Network Inference
M. Pradhan and P. Dagum
- A Discovery Algorithm for Directed Cyclic Graphs
Thomas Richardson
- Real-Time Estimation of Bayesian Networks
R. Welch
- Testing Implication of Probabilistic Dependencies
S.K.M. Wong
Friday, August 2, 1996
Plenary Session IV: Time, Persistence, and Causality
- A Structurally and Temporally Extended Bayesian Belief Network Model:
Definitions, Properties, and Modelling Techniques
C. Aliferis and G. Cooper
- Identifying independencies in causal graphs with feedback
J. Pearl and R. Dechter
- Topics in Decision-Theoretic Troubleshooting: Repair and Experiment
J. Breese and D. Heckerman
- A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Deciding Equivalence of Directed Cyclic Graphical Models
T. Richardson (Outstanding Student Paper Award)
Break 10:15-10:30am
Plenary Session V: Planning and Action under Uncertainty
- A Measure of Decision Flexibility
R. Shachter and M. Mandelbaum
- A Graph-Theoretic Analysis of Information Value
K. Poh and E. Horvitz
- Sound Abstraction of Probabilistic Actions in The Constraint Mass
Assignment Framework
A. Doan and P.Haddawy
- Flexible Policy Construction by Information Refinement
M. Horsch and D. Poole
Panel Discussion: "Automated construction of models: Why, How, When?"
Lunch 12:45-2:00pm
Plenary Session VI: Qualitative Reasoning and Abstraction of Probability
- Generalized Qualitative Probability
D. Lehmann
- Uncertain Inferences and Uncertain Conclusions
H. Kyburg, Jr.
- Arguing for Decisions: A Qualitative Model of Decision Making
B. Bonet and H. Geffner
- Defining Relative Likelihood in Partially Ordered Preferential Structures
J. Halpern
Poster Session II: Overview Presentations
Poster Session II
- An Algorithm for Finding Minimum d-Separating Sets in Belief Networks
S. Acid and L. de Campos
- Plan Development using Local Probabilistic Models
E. Atkins, E. Durfee, K. Shin
- Entailment in Probability of Thresholded Generalizations
D. Bamber
- Coping with the Limitations of Rational Inference
in the Framework of Possibility Theory
S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, H. Prade
- Decision-Analytic Approaches to Operational Decision Making:
Application and Observation
T. Chavez
- Learning Equivalence Classes of Bayesian Network Structures
D. Chickering
- Propagation of 2-Monotone Lower Probabilities on an Undirected Graph
L. Chrisman
- Quasi-Bayesian Strategies for Efficient Plan Generation:
Application to the Planning to Observe Problem
F. Cozman and E. Krotkov
- Some Experiments with Real-Time Decision Algorithms
B. D'Ambrosio and S. Burgess
- An Evaluation of Structural Parameters for Probabilistic Reasoning: Results on Benchmark Circuits
Y. El Fattah and R. Dechter
- Learning Bayesian Networks with Local Structure
N. Friedman M. Goldszmidt
- Theoretical Foundations for Abstraction-Based Probabilistic Planning
V. Ha and P. Haddawy
- Probabilistic Disjunctive Logic Programming
L. Ngo
- A Framework for Decision-Theoretic Planning I: Combining the Situation Calculus, Conditional Plans, Probability and Utility
D. Poole
- Coherent Knowledge Processing at Maximum Entropy by SPIRIT
W. Roedder and C. Meyer
- Efficient Enumeration of Instantiations in Bayesian Networks
S. Srinivas and P. Nayak
UAI-96 Reception and Invited Talk
Failing and Succeeding at Real-World Reasoning under Uncertainty: Reflections on Three Decades of Work
Peter Hart
Saturday, August 3, 1996
Plenary Session VII: Developments in Belief and Possibility
- Belief Revision in the Possibilistic Setting with Uncertain Inputs
D. Dubois and H. Prade
- Approximations for Decision Making in the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
M. Bauer
- Possible World Partition Sequences: A Unifying Framework for
Uncertain Reasoning
C. Teng
Break 10:00-10:15am
Plenary Session VIII: Learning and Uncertainty
- Asymptotic model selection for directed networks with hidden variables
D. Geiger, D. Heckerman, C. Meek
On the Sample Complexity of Learning Bayesian Networks
N. Friedman and Z. Yakhini
Learning Conventions in Multiagent Stochastic Domains using
Likelihood Estimates
C. Boutilier
Critical Remarks on Single Link Search in Learning Belief Networks
Y. Xiang, S.K.M Wong, N. Cercone
Panel Discussion: "Learning and Uncertainty: The Next Steps"
Lunch 12:30-2:00pm
Plenary Session IX: Advances in Approximate Inference
- Computational complexity reduction for BN2O networks using similarity of states
A. Kozlov and J. Singh
- Sample-and-Accumulate Algorithms for Belief Updating in Bayes Networks
E. Santos Jr., S. Shimony, E. Williams
- Tail Simulation in Bayesian Networks
E. Castillo, C. Solares, P. Gomez
- Efficient Search-Based Inference for Noisy-OR Belief Networks: TopEpsilon
K. Huang and M. Henrion
Break 3:45-4:00pm
Panel Discussion: "UAI by 2005: Reflections on critical problems, directions, and
likely achievements for the next decade"
Report on the Bayes Net Interchange Format Meeting
UAI Planning Meeting
Sunday, August 4, 1996
Selected talks on learning graphical models from the UAI and KDD proceedings.
UAI badges will be honored at the Oregon Convention Center for the joint session.
Plenary Session X: Learning, Probability, and Graphical Models I
- KDD:
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Toward a Unifying Framework
U. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, and P. Smyth
- UAI:
Efficient Approximations for the Marginal Likelihood of
Incomplete Data Given a Bayesian Network
D. Chickering and D. Heckerman
- KDD:
Clustering using Monte Carlo Cross-Validation
P. Smyth
- UAI:
Learning Equivalence Classes of Bayesian Network Structures
D. Chickering
Break 9:45-10:05am
Plenary Session XI: Learning, Probability, and Graphical Models II
- UAI: Learning Bayesian Networks with Local Structure
N. Friedman M. Goldszmidt
- KDD:
Rethinking the Learning of Belief Network Probabilities
R. Musick
- UAI:
Bayesian Learning of Loglinear Models for Neural Connectivity
K. Laskey and L. Martignon
- KDD:
Harnessing Graphical Structure in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Learning
P. Stolorz
If you have questions or comments about the UAI-96 program, contact
the UAI-96 Program Chairs: Eric
Horvitz and Finn
Jensen. For conference arrangements information, please contact