UAI 2018 Senior Program Committee

Adrian Weller, University of Cambridge

Alex Schwing, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

Andriy Mnih, DeepMind

Andrew Wilson, Cornell University

Cassio de Campos, Queen's University Belfast

Dale Schuurmans, University of Alberta

Daniel Roy, University of Toronto

David Sontag, MIT

Doina Precup, McGill University

Fabio Cozman, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Fabio Cuzzolin, Oxford Brookes University

Guy Van den Broek, University of California, Los Angeles

Honglak Lee, Google

Jennifer Neville, Purdue University

Jonathan Berant, Tel Aviv University

Jonas Peters, University of Copenhagen

Jun Zhu, Tsinghua University

Kun Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University

Le Song, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology

Marloes Maathuis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Martin Zinkevich, Google

Michalis Titsias, Athens University of Economics and Business

Ofer Meshi, Google

Peter Grünwald, Leiden University, Dept. of Mathematics

Pradeep Ravikumar, Carnegie Mellon University

Roger Grosse, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

Sanjoy Dasgupta, UC San Diego

Sivan Sabato, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Sinead Williamson, University of Texas, Austin

Steffen Grunewalder, Lancaster University

Sujay Sanghavi, University of Texas, Austin

Thomas Richardson, University of Washington

Tamir Hazan, Technion

Vibhav Gogate, University of Texas, Dallas

Yaron Singer, Harvard University

Yishay Mansour, Tel Aviv University

Golden Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Startup Sponsor