UAI 2018 - Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Gal Elidan
Google Inc. and The Hebrew University, Israel

Kristian Kersting
TU Darmstadt, Germany

Program Chairs

Amir Globerson
Google Inc. and Tel Aviv University

Ricardo Silva
University College London and The Alan Turing Institute

Workshops Chair

Yarin Gal
University of Oxford

Tutorial Chair

Shakir Mohamed
DeepMind, UK

Sponsoring and Social Media Chair

Nikolaos Vasiloglou

Alexander Ihler
University of California, Irvine, USA

Local Arrangements Chair

Stefano Ermon
Stanford University

Proceedings Chair

Matt Kusner
The Alan Turing Institute

Registration Chair

Alejandro Molina
TU Darmstadt

Webmaster and OpenReview Chair

Yin Cheng Ng
University College London

OpenReview Team

Michael Spector
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Golden Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Startup Sponsor