UAI 2018 - Submission Instructions
Important dates for authors
*likely date to be adapted accordingly to take place before the NIPS submission deadline.
Paper submission is now open at (UAI 2018).
Formatting instructions
Submissions should be formatted in the UAI format and must be submitted as a PDF file that uses only Type I fonts. Please do not make changes to the standard format. Papers (including figures and text) are limited to 9 pages in length. Any number of additional pages containing only references are allowed. Papers that are over length or violate the UAI proceedings format will be rejected without review.
For your convenience, we are providing the following LaTeX style files:
For an example of how to prepare a paper for UAI using LaTeX you can refer to the source of the proceedings format:
Supplementary Material
Please include any supplementary material after the main paper in the same PDF (note that in the camera-ready version the supplementary material will be submitted separately). Please note that the reviewers are not required to read this extra material when assessing the paper.
Uploading instructions
Paper submission will open on February 7th, 2018.
This year, we will be using for the submissions. To submit a paper, please first create an OpenReview account, login to your account and go to the submission page to submit your paper. For more information click here.
Note: The upload to OpenReview has been tested on Chrome, Mozilla and Safari. We recomend to use one of those browsers to upload your paper.
Double-blind policy
The UAI 2018 review process is double blind. Please make sure that the submission does not disclose the author's identities or affiliation.