The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) is one of the premier international conferences on research related to knowledge representation, learning, and reasoning in the presence of uncertainty. UAI is supported by the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI).
UAI 2015 will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from July 12th to 16th, 2015:
- Main conference: July 13-15
- Tutorials: July 12
- Workshops: July 16
Website updates
- 23.09 | Post conference proceedings and minor paper updates are online
- 18.09 | Added videos of the invited speakers and tutorials
- 18.09 | See the Youtube UAI channel for an overview of all videos
- 19.08 | Added slides for all tutorials
- 14.07 | Clarification: Business meeting — Wednesday 16:45-17:15 (program)
- 14.07 | Added slides for some of the tutorials
- 14.07 | Updated affiliation of paper 58
- 13.07 | Added the volunteers to the Organizing Committee page
- 13.07 | Updated the bio of Raphael Slawinski here
- 13.07 | Updated the author ordering of paper 209
- 12.07 | Added a track program changes page and updated the program
- 12.07 | Added public transport and lunch info on local info page
- 09.07 | Updated information about the banquet on the program page
- 09.07 | Added room and registration desk hours on program and workshop pages
- 05.07 | Added the proceedings page
- 05.07 | Updated the program page and removed the accepted paper page
- 05.07 | Updated the invited speakers and registration pages
- 01.07 | Updated the accepted papers and program pages (minor corrections)
- 27.06 | Updated the invited speakers page
- 27.06 | Updated the accepted papers and program pages (minor corrections)
- 20.06 | Updated the accepted papers and program pages (minor corrections)
- 18.06 | Added the program overview page
- 17.06 | Added the travel and local info page
- 17.06 | Updated the accepted papers and hotel reservation pages
- 10.06 | Updated the accepted papers page (minor corrections)
- 01.06 | Updated the hotel reservation page
- 22.05 | Updated the camera-ready deadline to June 8th and added instructions
- 19.05 | Updated the tutorial details
- 19.05 | Updated the accepted papers, registration, and visa application pages
- 12.05 | Added the accepted papers, and updated the hotel reservation pages
- 11.05 | Updated the sponsors, registration, scholarship program, and visa pages
- 06.05 | Updated the venue, hotel reservation, and tutorial details pages
- 02.05 | Updated the invited speakers and workshop details
- 28.04 | Updated the tutorial details and invited speakers pages
- 17.04 | Updated the tutorial details, workshop details and venue
- 15.04 | Updated the invited speakers and workshop details
- 08.04 | Updated the sponsors
- 26.03 | Updated the hotel reservation page