Instructions To Authors For Preparing Papers in Proceedings FormatThe proceedings will be published by Morgan Kaufmann and produced by Professional Book Center. We strongly encourage you to submit papers in proceedings format.INTRODUCTION
Click here to download a PostScript version of the author kit. Click here to download an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the author kit. PREPARING YOUR PAPER
Click Here to download a PostScript version of a formatted sample paper suitable for printing on any PostScript printer. Click Here to download an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of a formatted sample paper, which can be printed on any printer attached to a computer that is running the free Adobe Reader software. Click Here to download the tex source of this sample paper. If you use LaTEX, follow the provided LaTEX format style file as closely as possible. If you don't use LaTEX, please follow the formatting instructions on the formatted sample paper for which downloading links are given above to achieve an effect as close as possible to what you see on the sample. If your paper involves a special case not covered by the sample (e.g., four co-authors), use your own best judgment (e.g., repeat two-author style), or contact Jennifer Ballentine at ProBook for advice. Click Here
to download the LaTEX style file.