Details on UAI-96 Submission Policy
The UAI Proceedings are relied upon internationally as an archive of
the premier meeting on methods for reasoning under uncertainty in
computer-based systems. The Proceedings are key references for new
developments on theory, methods, and applications of automated
uncertain reasoning. As such, UAI insists that papers submitted for
review represent original, previously unpublished work, and, if
accepted, that a revised version of the paper, including changes based
on the recommendations of UAI reviewers, will be created and received
in camera-ready form by the published due dates. UAI frowns on authors
submitting papers to UAI while the same material is under review for
another conference or journal. In answer to queries about UAI '96
policy on such parallel submissions: Parallel submission will be
allowed only under the following conditions:
Authors must clearly indicate on their cover page:
- Other conference(s) or journal(s) reviewing the contribution (absence of such information will imply that the paper has not and will not be submitted elsewhere during the review process),
- Latest date the author will make a decision on the
preferred publication for the original contribution.
By the date promised for an author's decision, email should be sent to
the UAI Program Co-chairs indicating the authors' decision. UAI
reviewers will be asked to delay the review of these submissions until
this date. Submissions will be rejected without review if reviewers
assigned to the papers do not have sufficient time to review them,
given the review timetable.
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