UAI 2022 - Virtual Poster Session
Some posters are only online, some are only physical, and some both, as shown in the overview PDF. The last column of the overview PDF gives the location of the virtual poster in Gather; for example, I(b)-A5 means that the virtual poster is in virtual poster session I, on island I(b), in row A and column 5.
Virtual poster sessions on Gather
General info about Gather can be found at: In order to get to a certain island in the virtual space, attendees can either walk to the island or teleport themselves using the teleporting hub that is in the middle of each island. When stopping at a poster, video chat turns on only if one is within the fence of a poster, and that outside the fence one can watch the poster "from a distance" without video chat. Attendees are encouraged to use their real names so that others can find them.